Blog Articles


Best Exercises to Get Rid of Foot Pain

When you have achy and sore feet, it's not always your shoes that are to blame. If you wear high heels, shoes with improper support, narrow toe boxes, and worn out soles, your feet can really suffer. Not only that, but when your gait is impacted by foot pain, that misalignment can also

Menopause Changes How you Exercise

Women over 40 generally are known to gain weight due to hormonal imbalances as their bodies experience peri-menopause. For women who have already hit menopause, they have realized how important it is to maintain and build muscle to ensure their bone density remains strong as they age. The

Why You Don't Look Like Someone Who Trains

Have you ever wondered why you never end up looking like the fitness models in magazines or even as good as your friend who works out less than you do? If you are finding yourself getting stuck and frustrated about why the scale or measuring tape isn't showing you the progress you expe

Personal Training vs. Group Fitness

For most people looking to start a new routine, group classes are very attractive to get you moving in a social setting. Enjoyment is vital if one is to succeed in working out on a regular basis and group classes offer a great place to hang out with friends or make new ones in an active co

Speed Up Healing with Movement, Not Rest

When we have injuries like a twisted ankle, musle spasm, tendonitis, or back pain, the general thought process is to rest and recover. However, studies demonstrate that movement can help us recover faster compared to doing nothing. Our bodies need movement to feel their best so it's no

Quitting Before the Magic Begins

Did you know that 80% of people who start going to the gym in January will quit their fitness routines by the end of March? What happens is that when you go hard by doing dry January (quitting alcohol for a month), eating healthier after the holidays, going to the gym daily after January 1

Personal Training for Winter Sports

Many of us move inside during the winter months to stay warm and cozy. However, the cold should not prevent you from being active outdoors. Getting prepped to do activity when the temperatures are below zero can be a hassle in the beginning. You have to buy all the right gear to stay warm,

The Holidays Do Not Have to Derail Us!

The holidays are a time to enjoy meals with family and friends. Maybe you have office potlucks where everyone brings goodies from their cultural origins. December is notorious for having cheat meals left and right. But does that mean we are a failure if we indulge a little too often than w

Why the 6 Week Challenge Works

By now, you've probably come across all the ads from different gyms around town promoting body transformations that come from a 6 week challenge. These programs are geared to getting you maximum results in a short about of time. But the benefits are more than just weight loss. Building

Lose Belly Fat With These Exercises

Although we might wish that there were a magic solution to target fat in specific areas of the body, weight loss requires a holistic approach. But there are some forms of exercise that help to burn fat more quickly than others, which can help you to lose belly fat and slim down overall. So

How To Prepare For Your First Session With A Personal Trainer

When you’re ready to start personal training, either in person or online, you may feel anxious for the first few sessions. For someone who has never worked with a personal trainer, you might not know what to expect or you might feel nervous about working with another person in the gy

Fitness Increases The Length And Quality Of Your Life

Plenty of people join the gym to lose weight or to look better, but many people also join the gym to help them feel better, live longer, and be healthier. Regular fitness is an integral part of healthy living and it impacts every aspect of our life. Keeping up with fitness helps us feel ha

Personal Training Teaches The Skills You Need For Sustainable Fitness

Sustainable fitness isn’t an easy feat. Often, people will begin with the best intentions but they lose sight of their goals and their fitness journey ends without any major changes to their lifestyle. Some people are able to keep up their workouts and diets for a little while, but t

Why Choose to Train with our Calgary Personal Trainers?

Personal training is a preferred way to stay and get fit by many. Here at Rage Fitness our Calgary gym focuses on personal training, to fit anyone's specific individual needs, goals and preferences. We are here to help you be your best! Regardless of shape, size, goals, needs and wants


If you are seeking to lose weight, increase your physical fitness, or transform your body and your life with a superior personal training experience try Rage Fitness, With some of Calgary’s top personal trainers, the team at  Rage Fitness is standing by to guide you on your journey to comprehensive wellness. Find out more by calling 1-825-945-7733 today.

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