Rage Fitness Loyalty Program

As of January 1, 2025 we've updated our loyalty reward program!
For any active member who works out with us consecutively for 12 weeks, 26 weeks and 52 weeks, you are eligible to earn up to cash rewards back each year just for working out with us. If you pause your membership at any time, you are no longer eligible to earn the rewards.
In 2025, we are using Amazon* gift cards for ease of administrative overhead.
1:1 and partner personal training memberships
- 12 weeks of membership: Rage Fitness Red t-shirt (men) or tank (ladies) value $30
- 26 weeks of membership: 10% off upgrade on personal training membership or Rage Fitness Red Polo Shirt value $50
- 52 weeks of membership: $100 gift card
Small group personal training memberships
- 12 weeks of membership: free 1:1 personal training session
- 26 weeks of membership: Rage Fitness Red logo t-shirt (men) or tank (ladies) value $30
- 52 weeks of membership: upgrade to a 1:1 personal training membership for 10% off or Rage Fitness Red Polo Shirt value $50
Please note: Intake into the loyalty program will close on March 31, 2025.
Committed to Help You Reach your Goals
Referral Bonus
On top of that, for every new client you refer who completes a 12 week membership, you will get an extra 1:1 PT session on your account!
*Please note: The policy is subject to change without notice.
Why are we doing this?
We know that one of the toughest things for individuals is maintaining a consistent nutrition and workout routine over a long period of time. Most people who join a gym will quit in the first 3-6 months.
We also know that money is a huge motivator for people, and we want to reward our clients for choosing Rage Fitness as your gym of choice.
Wouldn't it be great to earn some cash after you've dropped a few pounds or put on muscle that you can spend on new workout gear? We think so!
And if you quit after 3 months because you didn't get the results you wanted, you'll still be walking away with something. But our goal is to get you to continue with us longer term so you can see your body transform to its highest potential!
What's the catch?
The clock starts at January 1 and ends December 31. Pausing your membership disqualifies you from earning rewards. Consider downgrading your membership when you go on holidays so that you are still earning in the program.
What if I have too many sessions carried over from a previous month?
If in the next 12 weeks you pause or cancel your membership, you will lose your earning potential.
There's an incentive for us to retain you as a member, and an incentive for you to consistently work out with us. It's a win-win! If you sustain your membership without pausing, you are eligible to earn all the rewards over the next year.
What if I hold a large package of personal training sessions instead of a weekly or monthly membership?
As long as you keep buying packages throughout the year, you will be eligible for the rewards. We know many of the people who buy packages tend to travel a lot for work and cannot make workouts on a weekly basis. For you, we have a slightly different stipulation.
You must come in at least four times a month to earn your rewards which is similar to our one PT session a week/4 sessions a month membership.
If we haven't seen you in 30 days, the clock will reset to zero.
The point is we will reward you for consistency and showing up. If you can workout every single month of the year and want to stretch your package out, you will be earning rewards.
Please remember, your package expires 12 months from the purchase date.
Do intro packages earn rewards?
Kind of. Our intro packages are not counted as part of the program unless you upgrade to a membership or a package of PT sessions and then we'll start counting your weeks from the date you bought the intro package.
Does this program apply to partner training, or small group training?
Yes! The program applies to ALL ACTIVE MEMBERSHIPS at Rage Fitness. Please review above for the different rewards you can earn at 12 weeks, 26 weeks and 52 weeks.
If I pay for an annual membership up front, do I get the money right away?
No. The point is to show up to your sessions week in and week out. Rewarding you right away defeats the purpose of accountability and motivation in the longer term.
What if I was a member in 2024?
Unfortunately, the program only applies in 2025 and is not retroactive.
How will I know if I met the threshold for a reward?
We will send you a message to let you know. The first set of rewards will be going out after April 1 once we confirm how many consecutive weeks you've held and used a membership.
What if I have a gym membership, does that qualify for the loyalty rewards?
No, it does not. The loyalty rewards program is only applicable to personal training.
What if I don't claim my loyalty reward?
The gift card will expire after 30 days and will no longer be accessible to you. Please be prompt in claiming your reward or it will be returned back to the loyalty reward pool for other members.
If you are a certified personal trainer and looking to build or grow your own personal training brand, partner with the health and Fitness community at Rage Fitness. Benefit from the insight and experience of our team of trainers, coaches, nutritional experts, and wellness professionals, and offer your own personal clients the opportunity to train at one of Calgary’s top private personal training studios and wellness centres. Connect with the team at Rage Fitness to learn more about our contractor program by calling 1-825-945-7733 today.
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Small Group Fitness
Membership FAQs
Your final goal weight will be completely personal and will depend on your starting weight, your height, your build, and your muscle mass. In general, a healthy amount of weight to lose is about 1 to 2 pounds per week.
Yes, we have many personal trainers with different work hours so we are able to accommodate everyone's schedules. We also offer online personal training for people who can’t make it to the gym.
Our team at Rage Fitness understands the demands of career, family, and other commitments you may have. We don’t want your other obligations to be an obstacle to reaching your goals for fitness and health. We are flexible with timing and scheduling and our team will work with you to develop a timetable that meets your needs. If you have a session booked that you will be unable to attend, our 24-hour cancellation policy will allow you to rebook as soon as you can without penalty.
If you are seeking to lose weight, increase your physical fitness, or transform your body and your life with a superior personal training experience try Rage Fitness, With some of Calgary’s top personal trainers, the team at Rage Fitness is standing by to guide you on your journey to comprehensive wellness. Find out more by calling 1-825-945-7733 today.