Benefits of Low Intensity Interval Training

Benefits of Low Intensity Interval Training

There are many group programs out there emphasizing the benefits of HIIT (High Intensity Interval Training). This type of workout is characterized by periods of high impact exercise followed by timed rest and recovery. HIIT is known to spike your heart rate to 80-95% of its maximum rate. For advanced exercisers, HIIT offers a challenge to cardiovascular fitness and strength through anerobic training, pumping blood and oxygen throughout the body to create a high calorie burn. But for people new to exercise, or mature adults who have joint stiffness or pain, HIIT is simply not a great place to start. Instead, low intensity interval training (LIIT) can get you similar weight loss and cardiovascular results without the impact and gets you to a moderate 65-70% of maximum heart rate.

Benefits of LIIT

How Low Impact can get you Big Results:

1. Beginners, mature adults, and obese individuals--start with LIIT

While places like Orange Theory, F45 and bootcamp style classes will work you out hard and make you sweat, those programs should only be done in their high impact form by intermediate to advanced exercisers.

If you have ever attended a class as a newbie, chances are that the instructor will show you low impact modifications so you can learn the moves without injuring yourself. It doesn't mean that you are working out any less or won't get similar results at the end of the day. The best workout is the one you show up to. Make sure it's one that you keep coming back to, not ditching because you pushed yourself too hard out of the gate.

In studies, obese people were able to lose similar amounts of weight and lower their waist circumference with low impact exercises compared to those who pushed harder. Low impact exercises are much easier for people with injuries to rehab safely.

If you are not attending classes, some examples of low intensity exercises include walking, bicycling, swimming, rowing, yoga, tai-chi, and resistance training.


2. Accessibility for all shapes, ages, and sizes

Another benefit of LIIT is that you can join the high intensity classes and get through the whole workout by taking breaks and not jumping. This is easier on the knees, hips and ankles. Any type of weight bearing exercise will help you maintain bone density and muscle mass. There is also a reduced risk of injuries and heart-related conditions when doing LIIT. 

The next time you think a class is too difficult because of the quick movements, the up and down motions (burpees), or lots of jumping, remember that you can modify and take breaks anytime. The more you practice, the better your fitness will become and you can start challenging yourself to do a few jumps here or there when you feel ready. Remember that a regular exercise program is a marathon, not a sprint. 

Anyone can take a walk outside if they don't have a gym membership. Walking gets you outside into the fresh air and improves your health in multiple ways. Working out does not need to be punishing or complicated to be beneficial. Make sure that you include walking 2-3 times a week into your repetoire and try to get 10,000 steps a day as a goal. 


3. Brain and physical benefits

Older adults can benefit from LIIT because of the cognitive benefits. HIIT workouts are meant to cause fatigue and exhaustion by the end of the workout. This can lead to burnout, spikes in cortisol and cause injuries. LIIT workouts are wonderful to help adults increase their mobility and cardiovascular fitness without taxing the body. While LIIT is not the same as lifting weights to build muscle mass, it is required as part of a balanced exercise program.


4. Better sleep, reduced fatigue, pain and risk of falls

Low impact activity is known to produce similar results to aerobic training. One of the greatest benefits is improved blood circulation and oxygen consumption, improved joint mobility, and better balance. The body becomes energized and older adults can reduce their risk of falling and seriously injuring themselves. Sleep quality improves even if you only do low impact exercise. 


Drawbacks of Low Impact Training:

1. Timelines are extended

The greatest benefit to HIIT is that you can get a workout done in 30-45 minutes and get the biggest bang for your buck in terms of time savings. This is great for people who have busy schedules and can't fit longer workouts into their day.

With LIIT, it often takes longer to see the same results, 40-60 minutes per session. Exercise isn't a race and you can't compare your body to anyone else. If you need longer to get results due to injuries, age, pre-existing lifestyle diseases including obesity, or pregnancy that's ok. Give yourself permission to accept that slower results are not a bad thing. 


2. Cannot build bone density or muscle mass

Another drawback of LIIT is that it's not great for building bone density or muscle mass the same way weight lifting or HIIT workouts can be. LIIT is wonderful for building strength and endurance, but you won't bulk up from it unless you lift heavy and eat a lot of calories. Incorporating strength and resistance training 2-3x a week in addition to LIIT is a great way for your body to experience optimum results.


LIIT improves quality of life

Don't be afraid to challenge yourself by attending High Intensity cardio classes and modifying the exercises so that you can keep up with the class. Whether you are just starting out, have injuries, have extra weight on you, or are older than 50, you do not need to do burpees to be in the best shape of your life. You can enjoy all the same benefits of high intensity exercise just by showing up and getting your heart rate up. 

Check out our small group personal training to start a program that is low impact but big on results. Book a free demo session, or call/text us at 1-825-945-7733, or fill out the online contact form today! 



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Online training is offered as an individual component or as part of our weight loss program.  The goal of our online training program is to offer "anytime, anywhere" access to fitness, nutrition, and accountability. Here's how it works: Rage Fitness Online - Have a coac


A membership with Rage Fitness is an investment in your health and your well-being. Our mission is to help you live your best life whether that is through creating healthy habits, eating right, or training with us. The returns on your investment are invaluable: weight loss, increased fitne

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Your workouts are elevated at the world-class training facilities of Rage Fitness! Located in the beltline of Calgary, our gym is 7000 square feet and is completely private and outfitted with top-of-the-line commercial fitness equipment. Our personal training facility is home to some of th


Yes, we have many personal trainers with different work hours so we are able to accommodate everyone's schedules. We also offer online personal training for people who can’t make it to the gym.

It is recommended for adults to get at least 30 minutes of moderate exercise per day at the minimum.

Your final goal weight will be completely personal and will depend on your starting weight, your height, your build, and your muscle mass. In general, a healthy amount of weight to lose is about 1 to 2 pounds per week.


If you are seeking to lose weight, increase your physical fitness, or transform your body and your life with a superior personal training experience try Rage Fitness, With some of Calgary’s top personal trainers, the team at  Rage Fitness is standing by to guide you on your journey to comprehensive wellness. Find out more by calling 1-825-945-7733 today.

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