Weight Loss

- Almost 50% of the North American population struggles with weight management and obesity.
- 50 million of these people go on diets each year.
- 77% of people are motivated to lose weight to improve their overall health.
- Only 20% of overweight people succeed in their long-term weight loss (without support)
- 58% of North Americans feel they need significant support throughout their journey.
For over a decade, Rage Fitness has been helping individuals transform their lives in a healthy and sustainable way. We have developed a proprietary weight loss program specifically designed to take it off and keep it off for the purpose of health, quality of life and longevity. It is more important now than ever to maintain health and strong immunity. Weight Loss is one of the most important components to overall wellness and should be of the utmost priority.
Our programs are designed for individuals of all ages and fitness levels. What differentiates Rage is our approach to weight loss. We have a few programs available to assist you in your goals and budget.
Rage Fitness offers a unique and elevated personal training experience within Calgary’s fitness and gym landscape. We are committed to provide a completely personalized strategy as each of our clients pursue their own goals for fitness, weight loss, and comprehensive health. This is the Rage Fitness Difference.
One on One Fitness and Nutrition Services
Have you been thinking about losing weight for a while, but just couldn't get anything to stick? We offer convenient and affordable weekly memberships for people who are interested in one-on-one training but don't want to drop thousands of dollars up front to access it. Do pay as you go payments weekly to keep your costs spread out over the course of a month, but train with more consistency and accountability.
We absolutely do not recommend you work out with a personal trainer 5 times a week unless you are a professional athlete or very advanced in your training journey. For most people 1-3 times a week is plenty to see great results and keep costs down.
- 3 Pillars of Success
- Fitness - You will work out as many times a week as you can successfully commit to with a trainer 1-on-1 on your personalized program. Add some walking in between sessions to keep your heart healthy.
- Accountability - Your trainer and you work closely together on your goals and make adjustments as things change. We will track your progress at monthly increments with before, during, and after photos. We will take measurements and weigh you to ensure we are moving in the right direction.
- Nutrition - Your trainer or another Rage Fitness coach will co-create a nutritional blueprint with your goals in mind. This comes with an additional charge for customized meal planning, accountability sessions, journal reviews, grocery lists and recipes.
- This program is geared to teach you habit formation, build foundational strength, tone up, build muscle and drop fat.
- This program is NOT for people who are not serious about their health and fitness goals as it requires consistency, regular check-ins, and adherence to the program for major body composition changes. If you are not ready to change your life, this is not the program for you.
- Your personalized approach to fitness and nutrition is designed to get you real RESULTS and maintain them.
- Your program includes Inbody scans to measure body composition progress over time.
- Book a free consultation to learn more about this program and see if it's right for you.
- 1-on-1 PT: ranges between $75 to $100/session
- Small Group PT: ranges between $30 - $45/session
- the more sessions you buy, the more you save!
This program is your fast-track to fitness! This program is great for people who want to shed 5-10lbs in a short amount of time. This can be done as both a small group training.
- 3 Pillars of Success
- Fitness - You will work out 2x a week with a trainer and a small group of individuals working towards similar goals. You will be required to add in extra cardio sessions which can include 30 mins of walking, jogging, other group fitness classes or sports.
- Accountability - We will track your progress with before and after photos. We will take measurements and weigh you to ensure we are moving in the right direction. You will be required to log your food in the beginning so we know that you are working on your nutrition. Once a week you will have a 30 minute review of your food journal and address concerns. Accountability helps you stay motivated and on track. Our participants have the greatest success maintaining their results because of our added accountability services.
- Nutrition - We will provide you with introductory nutrition guides to start to help you clean up your diet. Once you are ready to customize your nutrition and see even better results, nutrition coaching is available to purchase with more comprehensive meal planning, education, accountability, food journal reviews, etc.
- This program is geared to teach you habit formation, build foundational strength, tone up, build muscle and drop fat.
- Your program includes Inbody scans to measure body composition changes over the 4 weeks, every 2 weeks.
- Getting the first pounds off can be motivating to help you stick with the program long term. Continue on affordable weekly payments in a small group format to keep getting stronger week after week.
- Book a consultation to see if this program is right for you. Limited intake of participants per month.
- $297/4 weeks + GST small group training
We employ a variety of formats to assist you with your weight loss journey. Through our program, we will provide you with:
- In-person fitness training
- In-person or online nutrition coaching
- If you are going on vacation, we can design a program for you to continue your program without weights.
- Remote training is available if you travel for work and want to continue your program while you are away.
- We have an app so you can have access to your workouts while you are away.
Our Rock Solid Guarantee
Our longer-term programs are designed to get you the results you want and maintain them. If you find that you have not achieved your goals with any of our programs, we will coach you for free until you get there. Conditions apply. You must demonstrate that you followed the program as instructed (food journal, evidence of activity twice a week on your own time, responding to all messages from your coach, showing up to at least 90% of the workouts) and did not achieve your goals. Medications, ailments, allergies, injuries, and illness must be discussed prior to the program to ensure we set expectations and find solutions around them. Lack of adherence to the program will void this guarantee.
How It Works...
Your coach is your guide on your weight loss journey. Stay connected with them throughout the process whether you are in the 6 month VIP Full Body Transformation or 6-week-Challenge.
Our job is to ensure that our clients meet their goals and we take that job seriously. If you have questions about the programming or nutrition, always reach out to us so that we can make adjustments to your program as needed. One size does not fit all!

Personal Training
Your health and fitness goals are extremely personal. Your journey to achieving your goals can be too. A personal trainer can create a completely customized strategy to take you from where you are right now to where you want to be with programs tailored for fitness, nutrition, and accountability. This approach can be life-changing, providing you with strategies that will work for you.
Working with a personal trainer will give you access to information, tools, and techniques you may struggle to access on your own. Your trainer will become your personal coach and advocate, pushing you when necessary, holding you accountable, and guiding you to your goals and beyond.
Our coaching is based on 3 Pillars of Success:
- Fitness - We find a cadence to build an effective workout program that fits your schedule and budget
- Accountability - We take before and after photos, measurements, and weight to track your metrics. We expect you to track your food intake in the beginning so we can ensure you are following the nutritional guidance.
- Nutrition - We provide you with nutritional coaching to help you get the best results possible.
In the past, if you have struggled with losing weight or bulking up, the issue could have been that you were missing key components that we believe are required for you to achieve your goals. By providing you with the tools you need, we believe we can get you results more effectively with sustainable lifestyle changes.
Our programs can be purchased as affordable weekly subscriptions or on a # of sessions package to offer flexibility. For price ranges, check out our Memberships. Contact us today to learn more about how we can help you.

Prepping for the InBody Scan
Body composition testing is included in all our personal training and small group training memberships. The reason we do this is to hold ourselves accountable to you and make sure that our clients are seeing progress as they work out with us over time.
Being a piece of the health puzzle, knowing your body fat and muscle mass can be helpful in determining if your nutrition and fitness routines are effective or not. You may think that your weight isn't changing, but the body composition scanner may tell us a completely different story.
Your muscle mass could be increasing, which is very positive. But because muscle is more dense, you may still feel like your clothes are fitting looser, but why isn't the darn bathroom scale moving? It can make for a frustrating experience and create unnecessary anxiety for you.
We don't want you to get married to the numbers that are spit out by the InBody 270 scanner. This report is just a helpful guide to see if we are achieving goals and moving in the right direction. If your body fat percentages are rising instead of dropping, we'll need to review your nutrition logs, and possibly ask you to get your blood tests done to determine if something is going on hormonally. Not all plateaus are caused by lack of effort. In fact, exercise is hardly ever the culprit when you plateau. Something else is going on and the body composition report can steer us in the right direction.
Featured FAQs
We have an Inbody 270 Scanner that will measure your muscle mass and body fat composition to let you know how you are progressing on your fitness journey. Sometimes, the scale, the mirror, and our clothes don't give us the information we need about whether we are moving in the right direction. For people who have very little to lose or carry weight all over their body instead of one visible area, the Inbody 270 can give you more encouraging information about your progress. We also take measurements and before/after photos so you can see the changes over time.
Our personal training memberships include 1 scan a month.
For our 6 week challenge participants, we include 3 scans as part of your package (beginning, middle, end).
For non-members, we charge the following:
1 scan - $35 + GST
3 scans - $90 + GST
5 scans - $125 + GST
Give us a call, email, or come in person! We offer free consultations to give you a tour, the low down, and ALL the different options we offer here at Rage Fitness!
Yes, we have many personal trainers with different work hours so we are able to accommodate everyone's schedules. We also offer online personal training for people who can’t make it to the gym.
If you are seeking to lose weight, increase your physical fitness, or transform your body and your life with a superior personal training experience try Rage Fitness, With some of Calgary’s top personal trainers, the team at Rage Fitness is standing by to guide you on your journey to comprehensive wellness. Find out more by calling 1-825-945-7733 today.