Developing Accountability For Weight Loss

Developing Accountability For Weight Loss

Many people start their weight loss journey full of motivation and good intentions, but quickly lose sight of their goals and give up. Staying on track with the weight loss journey you’ve started can be incredibly difficult if you aren’t held accountable. It’s a great step to say you want to lose weight, but you need to then take action and continue to make an effort every day. Staying accountable for your weight loss includes purposely incorporating strategies in your life that encourage you to continue your weight loss journey with a regular exercise routine and healthy eating. To help yourself achieve your weight loss goals, build different forms of accountability that will help you stay motivated.

Ways To Stay Accountable For Your Weight Loss Journey

Get Support
Trying to lose weight is hard enough by itself, but being confronted with situations that discourage your weight loss program makes it even harder. Let the people in your life know that you’re trying to lose weight and you would like their support. Ask your spouse to keep junk food out of the house or at least somewhere you can’t see it, let your friends know you’re cutting back on drinking or dinners out, or get a partner to join you for morning runs. When you find support in your circle of friends and family, it’s easier to avoid temptation and stay on track with your weight loss program. Sharing your weight loss journey with people who matter to you is a way to build accountability.

Set Goals
Wanting to lose weight is a great first step, but it’s vague. Without a concrete goal, your weight loss journey can feel aimless and you can become discouraged from continuing. The best way to achieve your desired weight loss is to set realistic and specific goals. Choose an attainable goal weight and a reasonable timeline. Having a goal weight and a timeline will help you stick with your weight loss program and will give you a sense of achievement. Meeting each target along your journey timeline provides accountability. To help you determine how long you might need to reach your goal weight through safe and sustainable practices, speak with a personal trainer.

Partner With A Personal Trainer
Working with a personal trainer will guarantee that you show up to workouts, and hold you accountable every step of the way. It’s a lot harder to decide at the last minute that you don’t want to go to the gym when you have someone waiting there for you, especially someone whose time you’re paying for. A personal trainer can help you track your progress to keep you motivated and they can incorporate different activities that keep workouts interesting. Your personal trainer may also be able to give you advice for ways to stick with your workouts and meal plans and you can ask questions about your health to develop a deeper understanding of your weight loss journey.

Start Your Weight Loss Journey

If you’re ready to make a positive change in your life and start on a weight loss journey, Rage Fitness is here to help. Our personal trainers and knowledgeable staff are dedicated to the health of our gym members and have developed a proprietary weight loss program specifically designed to take off weight and keep it off for the purposes of health, quality of life, and longevity. Our program is designed for individuals of all ages and fitness levels so whether you’re trying to lose weight for the first time (or the first time in a while) or if you regularly work out and are trying to shave off the last few pounds, our team can help you reach your goals. To speak with the staff at Rage Fitness about developing a weight loss plan, call 1-825-945-7733 or fill out the online contact form.


Personal Training

Your health and fitness goals are extremely personal. Your journey to achieving your goals can be too. A personal trainer can create a completely customized strategy to take you from where you are right now to where you want to be with programs tailored for fitness, nutrition, and accounta

Weight Loss

Almost 50% of the North American population struggles with weight management and obesity.  50 million of these people go on diets each year.  77% of people are motivated to lose weight to improve their overall health. Only 20% of overweight people succeed in their long-t

Online Training

Online training is offered as an individual component or as part of our weight loss program.  The goal of our online training program is to offer "anytime, anywhere" access to fitness, nutrition, and accountability. Here's how it works: Rage Fitness Online - Have a coac


Rage Fitness offers online training as part of our weight loss program as well as online resources such as references and video links. We also offer an online component of our highly effective weight loss program called Rage Weight Loss. This online weight loss resource offers integrative support. In addition to check-ins and training in person, programs and direction are provided on days you are not with your trainer.

Give us a call, email, or come in person! We offer free consultations to give you a tour, the low down, and ALL the different options we offer here at Rage Fitness!

Your final goal weight will be completely personal and will depend on your starting weight, your height, your build, and your muscle mass. In general, a healthy amount of weight to lose is about 1 to 2 pounds per week.

We have an Inbody 270 Scanner that will measure your muscle mass and body fat composition to let you know how you are progressing on your fitness journey. Sometimes, the scale, the mirror, and our clothes don't give us the information we need about whether we are moving in the right direction. For people who have very little to lose or carry weight all over their body instead of one visible area, the Inbody 270 can give you more encouraging information about your progress. We also take measurements and before/after photos so you can see the changes over time. 

Our personal training memberships include 1 scan a month.

For our 6 week challenge participants, we include 3 scans as part of your package (beginning, middle, end).

For non-members, we charge the following:

1 scan - $35 + GST

3 scans - $90 + GST

5 scans - $125 + GST


If you are seeking to lose weight, increase your physical fitness, or transform your body and your life with a superior personal training experience try Rage Fitness, With some of Calgary’s top personal trainers, the team at  Rage Fitness is standing by to guide you on your journey to comprehensive wellness. Find out more by calling 1-825-945-7733 today.

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